Since 2022, our founder, Michelle Li, has been attending and speaking at SXSW, bringing key climate topics and concepts to a powerful mainstream audience. Check out the talks and catch all the replays below!

Arctic: An Urgent Call for Climate and National Security
Tucked away at the top of the Earth, the Arctic plays a central role in stabilizing the global climate through the polar vortex and reflection of the sun’s heat back into the atmosphere, among other key mechanisms. The current rapid loss of Arctic sea ice is not only an urgent climate matter but a key national security matter, as geopolitical conflict will result over newly accessible resources, shipping lanes, and seabed rights. Action or inaction by individuals, corporations, and governments will determine the fate of the Arctic and, by extension, our planet and next generations.
- Sherri Goodman | International Military Council on Climate & Security
- Sally Ann Ranney | Global Choices
- Kishla Askins | Polar Pangea
- Michelle Li | Clever Carbon (moderator)
Climate Repair, Ocean Health, and Carbon Removal
Our planet is 30% land and 70% oceans. Climate change represents the greatest collective challenge of our time, and is a direct result of excess carbon emissions to the tune of 2,000 gigatons. The removal of carbon dioxide is critical, if humanity is to have a chance to turn the tide on climate change. While land-based solutions are well known and discussed, Earth’s oceans provide the best pathway for permanent gigaton-scale carbon removal (CR) that can be deployed quickly. Oceans naturally remove CO2, cycling it to the deep ocean in a safe and permanent form. Blue carbon, iron fertilization, electrochemistry, and alkalinization represent a few ocean-based CR pathways. Maximizing ocean productivity and reducing ocean acidity through protection and conservation efforts will also be key.
- Brad Ack | Ocean Visions
- Kathryn Moran | Ocean Networks Canada
- Marti Odlin | Running Tide
- Michelle Li | Clever Carbon (moderator)
Carbon Footprint and the Future of Consumer Brands
You've probably been hearing the word carbon footprint a lot in the past year, but you may not yet know what it is and how it applies to our everyday actions. A cup of coffee, an apple, a 5 mile drive, watching TV or attending a virtual meeting - everything we do has an impact (or carbon footprint). Carbon footprint literacy is important because knowing the impact of our everyday actions can help us make better choices for ourselves and the planet. Advocacy for carbon labels, similar to nutrition labels but with carbon emissions data, will grow, and lead to transparency and accountability.This panel is suitable for all audiences. Attendees will learn about carbon footprint, how brands are carbon labeling, and the future of carbon footprint literacy.
- Michelle Li | Clever Carbon
- Emily Ewell | Pantys
- Sandra Noonan | Just Salad
- Cristina Mittermeier | Sea Legacy (moderator)